Scholar Speed Round: 2015 Bezos Educator Scholar Sandra “Sandi” Starr
Catch up with a student or educator Scholar and read their rapid-fire responses to a collection of semi-random questions in the Scholar Speed Round.
Sandi is based in Lodi, California, with her husband, three kids, and their pandemic lab puppy, Stella. Her career has centered around her passion for nature and science education, beginning as a consulting biologist, then as a science teacher at Tokay High School, and now as a District-level Science Coach. In her new capacity, Sandi works to promote high-quality science instruction across the district, taking her 17 years of classroom and outdoor education experience to the next level.
Sandi is fueled by her desire to increase equitable access to science knowledge and practices, while also instilling a sense of stewardship for the community and the environment. She continues to push for increased funding and classroom time directed towards science, STEM initiatives and outdoor education experiences. Along with environmental literacy, she is also a champion for agricultural-based education. She describes herself as “a farm girl at heart that cares about sustainability.”
Sandi co-founded the NorCal Science and Technology Festival with her student Scholar Julie Fukunaga. The festival began with a mission to stimulate student, educator and community engagement by celebrating the fun in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). Their first year was a smashing success with over 2,500 community attendees, 50 presenters and a TED speaker keynote. Each year, the festival evolved as various student leaders made slight shifts to the theme (from engineering to aeronautics to 2022’s sustainability theme.)
Though the festival was paused in 2021 due to the pandemic, it is back on for 2022. Sandi reflects that, “what we started seven years ago has achieved a level of sustainability that goes beyond me and Julie. To be able to support the Festival still brings me great joy and hope that this tremendous community event will continue for years to come.”
Q&A with Sandi:
Share a favorite memory from when you were a Scholar: Extracting DNA from strawberries as my ‘talent’ at the talent show. There were some tough acts to follow, but the enchantment of science brought awe to the crowd.
One thing you gained from your Scholar experience: I gained confidence in myself and my leadership abilities. The experience helped me grow as an educator and opened doors beyond the classroom; a large part of the reason that I’m now a Science Coach. I’ll always be grateful to Julie for choosing me to join her on her Bezos Scholar journey and to the Bezos Family Foundation for continuing to offer professional growth opportunities, such as being able to participate in the Character Lab Educator Summit.
Complete this sentence, “If you really knew me, you would know….” that I love nature, and anything related to plants.
If you had a theme song, what would it be and why? A little cheesy, but “The Climb” By Miley Cyrus. I reflect on the song’s message more and more as I reach middle age. The view from the top of the mountain is always gorgeous, but so is the scenery along the way. Take time in life to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
If you could reform education, what would be your first priority? Increase funding for outdoor education, experiential learning and environmental literacy. Many of our nation’s youth are disconnected from natural green spaces. Schools can offer a way to reconnect students through school gardens, native landscaping, field trips to local nature areas and an elementary science camp experience. I feel strongly that every student should have the opportunity to participate in an overnight science camp as a rite of passage that builds a common experience, sense of independence, and appreciation for nature that can instill a sense of stewardship for our planet.
At this moment in your life, what are you most proud of? I’m most proud of the ongoing success of the NorCal Science and Technology Festival, the student leaders who have continued to organize and champion for STEM education, and our District for whole-heartedly supporting the endeavor. The Festival has become something that our community looks forward to and can be proud to call their own.
Describe the last time/moment you remember feeling truly joyful. Sledding and building a snowman last week with my good friend and our kiddos. The Sierra Nevada’s had an epic snow week, and it was so wonderful to take the day to just play and refresh.
If you had a podcast, what would it be about? Home gardening—have I mentioned I love plants? 😊
What is the one thing you’re deeply grateful for right now? My family. My husband and three wonderful children bring me so much joy and happiness. They have been so supportive of the Festival and involved every step of the way. I’m so grateful for them!
We’re blessed to have you as part of the Scholar community. Thank you, Sandi!